Friendly Accommodation
in the of Sweden

Welcome to Dådran's Oldest House
Lake front house in a cosy village for outdoor lovers

Welcome to the top of Bjursås - a family downhill skiing resort just 30 minutes from Dådran!

Swim, sports & outdoor adventures
All year around - Dådran is great for activity lovers! In Summer, swim, boat, fish and canoe in the lakes. Mountainbike, walk, jog and run, or pick a variety of berries in the forests. Play tennis, kägelbana, or even practice golf in the village. In Winter cross country skiing can be done on various trails or the frozen lakes. Iceskating is possible on the lakes. And downhill skiing is only 34km away at Bjursås and also at Rättvik!
Historical Dådran
The former iron works and timber village of Dådran in the Dalarna county, was founded in 1804. The ¨'Longhouse' (your lodging) was the first building to be built here and was the workers' housing. The 'Kägelbanan,' a 150 year old form of local bowling ally, is one of the best preserved in Sweden and is available to play. The old ironworks shed complete with waterwheel still sits next to the stream. Taking a walk along the village's cultural trail will highlight many aspects of the past.
Lingon- & blueberry paradise!
Fill a container with lingon or blueberries! Dådran is surrounded by forests that in August and September turns in to a truly berry-heaven! They are virtually everywhere. You can also find wild strawberries and raspberries easily.
And yes, we have berry-loving brown bears in our forest. But don't worry, the bears have better hobbies than to hang out with human beings :-) They will be long gone before you even see them.
Fishing paradise!
A great variety of fish including pike and trout swim in the many lakes surrounding Dådran and nearby areas. Even in Winter the fish bite, but of course you may need to drill a hole in the ice first! Bring your rod and special lures and you're sure to catch lunch. A fishing licence can even be purchased in Dådran. If you require some help we will be glad to help you find a good spot.
Culture, music,& events
A tempting "smorgasbord" of culture & fun events awaits you here in Dalarna, the county where Dådran is located! Enjoy things like Bingsjöstämman, the biggest folkmusic festival in Sweden, the museum
of the world famous swedish painter Anders Zorn, and of course "Classic Car Week," Swedens biggest classical car show.
The swedish tradition of celebrating midsummer is strong in Dalarna and not the least in charming Dådran. If you are lucky enough to be here on June 21st you will surely be invited to help raise the midsummer pole then dance around it. And... we are almost certain you will not go back home from Dalarna without a "Dalahorse", a painted and decorated wooden horse.
Prästbodarna farm!
Just 1,3 kilometers on a lovely walking track from Dådran you will find "fäboden" or the summer farm "Prästbodarna" where the animals and farming are run as they were 200 years ago. The kids will love to cuddle cute animals while you have a taste of the fresh made cheeses and other diary products.